For the next two weeks people around the world will come together for a global day of giving- #GivingTuesday! Join this important movement and GIVE this November 29th.

A Testimony to the Impact of your Donation

“Thank you for giving me hope, Rebecca’s Dream…
you all truly did help save my life.”

Dear Rebecca’s Dream,

It’s been about 10 years since I first visited the Rebecca’s Dream website and had the privilege of getting to know a little bit about Rebecca. The short film resonated with me so deeply and gave me the hope that better days were ahead — the hope that my own bipolar disorder could eventually be managed successfully. I can clearly remember saying to myself “I will live for Rebecca” and continue the process of finding the right treatment plan, even though all hope seemed lost.

While I’m sure you’ve heard many stories of your organization changing lives for the better, I truly felt impelled to reach out to the entire family of Rebecca’s Dream and give a heartfelt thank you for all you have done and continue to do — for with no mincing of words, you all truly did help save my life. I kept pushing forward, joined DBSA Boston, and in due course became a facilitator for several years. Now I’m blessed to live life with my wife and a toddler who can’t wait to jump into his dad’s arms after work.

I try my best to live a life of service to others in no small part due to Rebecca, and though she and I never met, I hope to one day say thank you.

With abundant gratitude,

Sam (Last Name Withheld)