Out of the Shadows: A Journey of Recovery From Depression

by Mark Litzsinger

Imagine living in a darkness so deep, you can’t eat well, you can’t sleep well, you can’t concentrate on anything for very long–in short, your life is not as it once was. Depression often feels like moving through a fog so thick it envelopes every aspect of your entire life. I know.

Depression had its claws in me for years, but by taking the hands offered to me from family, friends, and medical professionals, I was able to climb out of the shadows and back to my life. This book is designed to give you a hand to hold as you deal with depression. It will help you–and your family, friends, and doctors–understand the disease and develop a plan for getting the best care to overcome depression.

All proceeds from this book will go to help patients and depression research at Rush University Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry in Chicago.