The Rebecca Lynn Cutler Legacy of Life Foundation (“Rebecca’s Dream”) would like to take a moment to express our profound and deep sadness for the lives that were lost during the shooting massacre that took place at a music festival in Las Vegas this past Sunday.

The sheer magnitude of such a senseless and utterly violent event effects all of us, both here and abroad.  And to the friends, families and loved ones of the individuals that perished or were injured, we extend our deepest sympathies.

An event such as this touches each of us and in the harshest manner, reminds us of how precious life truly is.

In the coming days, weeks and months following a tragedy of this magnitude, many of us may experience a range of emotions from sadness and anger to fear and anxiety.  The process of grieving is a journey involving time, and its expression comes in many forms; both visibly and silently.

As a family, an American Family, joined together as a nation, a society, it will be important for all of us to connect and support our family, friends and loved ones through this journey: giving the gift of our love, our kindness, our patience and caring, for healing is soon to follow.

In the next few days, weeks and months, it will be important to look out for each other; to be particularly aware of warning signs that someone is struggling with grief or exhibiting signs of distress. The signs could include withdrawing and isolating oneself, challenges with sleep, increased use of drugs or alcohol or talk concerning mortality.

At times like these, sometimes the smallest of acts:  acts of kindness, generosity, patience, a hug, a kiss – or simply listening, really listening, can make a profound difference.  Big acts or small acts.  Helping others can often help yourself recover and heal.  Don’t hold back, don’t bury and run from your feelings, move through them by sharing with others, caring for others. Hand in hand, we will get through this together; all of us, together.

If you or someone you know is experiencing signs of distress, please reach out to a mental health professional or get anonymous, free support by texting START to Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or by contacting the National Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). For additional local and national resources, please see our website:

Rebecca’s Dream exists to bring awareness, compassion and understanding to those suffering from depression and bipolar disorder.  We seek to eradicate the stigma that plagues many who suffer from these illnesses and work to inform, promote and educate the world on pathways to recovery and healing.

Learn more about emotional health and how to help yourself, a friend or family member at